The Józef Warszewicz Complex of Secondary Schools in Prószków

The Józef Warszewicz Complex of Secondary Schools in Prószków recruits to a four-year secondary school with the following branches:

  1. police class,
  2. firefighting class,
  3. sports class (football).

Despite the basis of general educational system we provide a wide range of specialized classes, conducted throughout the entire period of education, including:

  1. police class – topics connected with security and public order as well as tactics and techniques of intervention taught by professional police officers; the main aim of the training is to relay complex knowledge and prepare students for the future service, primarily in the police departments but also in other uniformed services;
  2. firefighting class – firefighting education and relay race taught by the professional firefighters; after graduation the students can join the ranks of Volunteer Fire Brigades or apply for a job in State Fire Services.  During education, students complete the courses: qualified first aid and basic course of firemen rescuers OSP;
  3. sports class – football trainings connected with education of referees and football coaches  conducted by the licenced UEFA coaches and referees; we provide 13 hours of training weekly as a part of profile education; Our school has a wide range of sports facilities (full-size and illuminated pitches with artificial and natural grass, gymnasium and physiotherapy room). The biggest advantage is that our football club PLUKS Pomologia Prószków operates at school, which enables our students to take part in games on provincial, macroregional as well as nationwide level.

Additionally, we recruit to:

  1. 5-year Technical School in the following professions:
    • agribusiness technician,
    • gardener technician.
  2. General Secondary School for adults.

Undoubtedly, one of the greatest advantages of our complex as well as its integral part is the dormitory providing 24/7 care for our students. It is run by qualified and experienced educators. The students are accommodated in 3 or 4 persons rooms. Each of the dormitory residents is provided full board (4 meals a day) in the air-conditioned dining area. The building is equipped with WiFi, an air-conditioned common room, a TV room and a physiotherapy room. The monthly fixed fee is PLN 60. The daily rate for alimentation is PLN 15, which includes: first and second breakfast, dinner with an afternoon snack and supper.

Welcome to us!

The Józef Warszewicz Complex of Secondary Schools in Prószków
Pomologia 11 Street
46-060 Prószków
Telephone no 77 464 80 70 or 84
E-mail address: